I found 3,865 files hosted by various major CDNs.
That means there are on average 3.23 CDNs for each released library version.


Not all CDNs host all current and prior versions. This table shows the availability:
Project Releases Baidu Boot cdnjs fastcdn Google jsdelivr MaxCDN Microsoft Sina unpkg Yandex
AngularJS 147 49.7% 100.0% 100.0% - 79.6% 31.3% - - 7.5% 52.4% 32.0%
BackboneJS 26 38.5% 96.2% 96.2% 3.8% - 61.5% - - 7.7% 96.2% 19.2%
Bootstrap 43 11.6% 46.5% 97.7% 2.3% - 100.0% 69.8% 60.5% 14.0% 76.7% 25.6%
D3 153 32.7% 98.7% 99.3% 0.7% - 30.7% - - - 76.5% 0.7%
Dojo 142 14.1% 37.3% 37.3% 0.7% - 3.5% - - 10.6% - 9.9%
Ember 108 12.0% 99.1% 99.1% 0.9% - 27.8% - - - - -
jQuery 81 46.9% 65.4% 76.5% 2.5% 77.8% 48.1% - 71.6% 11.1% 38.3% 59.3%
Knockout 19 - 73.7% 73.7% - - 42.1% - 36.8% - 57.9% -
lodash 53 - 96.2% 96.2% - - 67.9% - - - 81.1% 15.1%
React 77 1.3% 94.8% 96.1% - - 88.3% - - - 48.1% -
Socket.IO 68 - 91.2% 98.5% - - - - - - - -
ThreeJS 99 - 45.5% 61.6% 1.0% 20.2% 77.8% - - - 85.9% -
UnderscoreJS 73 72.6% 94.5% 94.5% 1.4% - 12.3% - - 1.4% 60.3% 8.2%
Vue 106 - 99.1% 99.1% - - 48.1% - - - 100.0% -

CDN Overhead

Average compression overhead compared to my best files:
Project Releases Baidu Boot cdnjs fastcdn Google jsdelivr MaxCDN Microsoft Sina unpkg Yandex
AngularJS 147 104.6% 117.1% 104.4% - 103.9% 104.7% - - 103.4% 106.0% 103.4%
BackboneJS 26 103.6% 116.4% 103.3% 103.2% - 105.8% - - 102.8% 105.3% 102.8%
Bootstrap 43 105.0% 122.1% 104.6% 103.9% - 104.6% 114.2% 133.7% 104.1% 121.8% 103.9%
D3 153 105.3% 116.4% 106.0% 104.7% - 111.3% - - - 110.9% 104.3%
Dojo 142 105.7% 121.7% 105.8% 106.7% - 105.4% - - 105.2% - 106.0%
Ember 108 106.0% 127.7% 105.7% 103.7% - 112.3% - - - - -
jQuery 81 104.6% 119.4% 104.6% 103.8% 103.9% 114.1% - 128.1% 103.7% 106.8% 100.3%
Knockout 19 - 117.4% 104.2% - - 103.3% - 129.1% - 107.7% -
lodash 53 - 133.0% 118.0% - - 104.1% - - - 107.5% 104.1%
React 77 105.8% 112.6% 103.7% - - 104.4% - - - 104.3% -
Socket.IO 68 - 111.1% 104.6% - - - - - - - -
ThreeJS 99 - 121.1% 105.4% 104.5% 104.5% 104.2% - - - 122.3% -
UnderscoreJS 73 103.2% 112.6% 103.0% 103.2% - 115.6% - - 102.5% 109.1% 102.9%
Vue 106 - 117.4% 104.6% - - 103.8% - - - 107.1% -
Notes: pigz is a fast open source multi-threaded implementation of gzip written by one of the original authors of gzip.
However, when using compression level 11, pigz actually switches to the slower Zopfli algorithm and isn't multi-threaded anymore.
KrzyMOD's extensions to Zopfli offer the highest level of configuration and is therefore used for my brute-force search.
Ken Silverman wrote the closed-source KZIP compression program and Jonathon Fowler ported it to Linux.
Defluff was created by Joachim Henke; DeflOpt is a tool by Ben Jos Walbeehm.

website made by Stephan Brumme in 2015 and still improving in 2025.
all timestamps are displayed in central european time. see my changelog.
no flash, not even images or external css files - and everything squeezed into a single html file.
which was handsomely compressed before releasing it into the wild internet - obviously.

please visit my homepage and my blog, too.
email: minime (at)

All trademarks are property of their respective owners. You know, the boring legal stuff.